How Siege Media helped Lexington Law add $282,530/mo in traffic value

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increase in organic traffic

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increase in traffic value

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Lexington Law is a credit repair company that specializes in removing items for customers that are unfair, inaccurate and unverified to help them restore their credit.

Industry: Personal finance (credit repair)

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Services provided: Content marketing, SEO consulting


The Lexington Law team reached out to us to help build its content marketing strategy. Sitting on a domain with solid traffic that had recently become stagnant, they were seeking a partner with deep expertise in SEO and content marketing to support their internal staff.

Lexington Law also had the challenge of being in a competitive finance vertical without the domain name recognition of their counterparts.

Growth summary

We decided on a two-fold strategy for building links—survey posts and evergreen search-driven content that has the ability to passively acquire links over time. One search-driven piece, targeting “millennial spending habits,” has acquired hundreds of unique links since publication.

Not only does the content have search volume, but it has heavy link intent for journalists or bloggers writing on the topic. Over time it has acquired links from high DA sites like Clean Technica, ValueWalk and

This strategy was replicated a few more times with similar topics in the debt space—each tied to search volume. Our work now accounts for over 40% of the total blog traffic.

This is one of many strategies for Lexington Law in a highly competitive vertical which has helped raise the domain authority of the site, making it easier to rank for their core keywords.

Combining this strategy with technical SEO audits, active link building and content creation, Lexington Law continues to compete in a highly commercial industry.

“Year-over-year organic traffic and keyword rankings have improved dramatically since the engagement began. Flexibility and adaptability are hallmarks of their work. Siege Media’s willingness to provide additional SEO training makes them a valuable partner.”

Kevin Cook SEO Manager

Kevin Cook

SEO Manager

Top performing Lexington Law content

Millennial Spending Habits

The results

  • Page 1 for “millennial spending habits“
  • 375 links
View page

Welfare Statistics

The results

  • Ranking #1 for “welfare statistics“
  • 185 links
View page

College Student Spending Habits

The results

  • Ranking #1 for keyword
  • 128 links
View page

We'll level up your content. You'll see the results.